What is it
The instance creator lets you build new TS application instances from a template, that is a MYSQL dump of an existing database.
So you will need
- A template for the context file
- MySQL dump files
- tsbase
- tslive
- tstest
context template
The context template path must be configured in InstanceCreator.contextTemplateFile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context docBase="@DOCBASE@" swallowOutput="true"> <Resource name="jdbc/TempusServaLive" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="80" maxIdle="30" maxWait="2000" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60" logAbandoned="true" username="@USERNAME@" password="@PASSWORD@" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/@DBLIVE@?autoReconnect=true" /> <Resource name="jdbc/TempusServaTest" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="5" maxIdle="3" maxWait="10000" logAbandoned="true" username="@USERNAME@" password="@PASSWORD@" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/@DBTEST@?autoReconnect=true" /> </Context>
The following tags are required
The following tags are recommended
The following tags are optional
Database template
From the baseline system build dump copies of the databases.
You will need to use strict naming of the files:
- base.sql
- live.sql
- test.sql
In the form attatch the following codeunit
Now setup
- locations of the templates
- InstanceCreator.sqlTemplateFolder: Folder of base.sql live.sql and test.sql
- InstanceCreator.contextTemplateFile: Position of the context template
- mapped field names
- InstanceCreator.fieldSolutionName
- InstanceCreator.fieldAdminName
- InstanceCreator.fieldAdminEmail
- InstanceCreator.fieldAdminPassword
- status references
- InstanceCreator.StatusCreateNow
- InstanceCreator.StatusCompleted: Must be accessible from StatusCreateNow
- InstanceCreator.StatusFailSetup: Must be accessible from StatusCreateNow
Using the attuned form will create a new instance.
The requirement is that the intance information is there AND status is in create (as defined per StatusCreateNow)
- instance name
- admin name
- admin email
After an instance is created and status will now be either
- succes (as defined per StatusCompleted)
- error (as defined per StatusFailSetup)
If the operation succeds you instance will be available in a minute or two.