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TS has more than a 150 different content types. Some are based on primitive types (eg. integers) while others deliver complex functionality (eg. document librarys).
TS has more than a 150 different content types. Some are based on primitive types (eg. integers) while others deliver complex functionality (eg. document librarys).

== Primitive data types ==
== Basic == * [[Fieldtype/CPR nummer|CPR nummer]]
* [[Fieldtype/CVR nummer|CVR nummer]]
=== Numercial ===
* [[Fieldtype/Date|Date]]
* [[Fieldtype/Datetime|Datetime]]
* [[Fieldtype/Decimal|Decimal]]
* [[Fieldtype/Email|Email]]
* [[Fieldtype/Enumeration|Enumeration]]
* [[Fieldtype/Hierachy/tree|Hierachy/tree]]
* [[Fieldtype/Integer|Integer]]
=== Enumerations ===
* [[Fieldtype/Month|Month]]
* [[Fieldtype/Notepad|Notepad]]
* [[Fieldtype/Percentage|Percentage]]
* [[Fieldtype/Phone|Phone]]
* [[Fieldtype/Response|Response]]
=== Test / Strings ===
* [[Fieldtype/Script function|Script function]]
* [[Fieldtype/Serial|Serial]]
* [[Fieldtype/Static button|Static button]]
*[[Fieldtype/Text long]]
* [[Fieldtype/Static content|Static content]]
* [[Fieldtype/Static message|Static message]]
* [[Fieldtype/Static script|Static script]]
=== Timer / Period ===
* [[Fieldtype/Symbol|Symbol]]
* [[Fieldtype/Text|Text]]
* [[Fieldtype/Text mulitline|Text mulitline]]
* [[Fieldtype/Text with lookup|Text with lookup]]
* [[Fieldtype/Time|Time]]
* [[Fieldtype/Unique key (GUID)|Unique key (GUID)]]
== Lookup data types ==
* [[Fieldtype/Website (URL)|Website (URL)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Year|Year]]
=== Select values ===
* [[Fieldtype/Yes/No|Yes/No]]
== Lookup == * [[Fieldtype/Database: Opslag indtastning|Database: Opslag indtastning]]
=== Frameworks global / AJAX ===
* [[Fieldtype/Database: Opslag liste valg|Database: Opslag liste valg]]
* [[Fieldtype/Dependent category|Dependent category]]
* [[Fieldtype/Dependent list (lokal)|Dependent list (lokal)]]
*[[Fieldtype/Currency code]]
* [[Fieldtype/Group|Group]]
* [[Fieldtype/List replica|List replica]]
*[[Fieldtype/NACE code]]
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup|Lookup]]
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup (shared)|Lookup (shared)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup: Currency code|Lookup: Currency code]]
=== Frameworks regional / AJAX ===
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup: Data item|Lookup: Data item]]
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup: Data item nested|Lookup: Data item nested]]
*[[Fieldtype/Postnr og by]]
* [[Fieldtype/SQL: Subselect|SQL: Subselect]]
*[[Fieldtype/SKS xxxxxx]]
* [[Fieldtype/User|User]]
* [[Fieldtype/User Exclusive|User Exclusive]]
== Relational data ==
* [[Fieldtype/Value copy|Value copy]]
* [[Fieldtype/Value copy (cpr)|Value copy (cpr)]]
== Special content ==
* [[Fieldtype/Value copy (date)|Value copy (date)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Value copy (decimal)|Value copy (decimal)]]
*[[Fieldtype/Static content]]
* [[Fieldtype/Value copy (heltal)|Value copy (heltal)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Value copy (text)|Value copy (text)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Value copy (yes/no)|Value copy (yes/no)]]
=== Action buttons ===
* [[Fieldtype/Variant selector|Variant selector]]
== Lookup AJAX == * [[Fieldtype/Lookup: Country|Lookup: Country]]
*[[Fieldtype/Parameterized URL]]
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup: ICD diagnose|Lookup: ICD diagnose]]
*[[Fieldtype/Script execution]]
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup: NACE code|Lookup: NACE code]]
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup: Postnr / by|Lookup: Postnr / by]]
* [[Fieldtype/Lookup: UNSPSC|Lookup: UNSPSC]]
* [[Fieldtype/SKS Afdeling|SKS Afdeling]]
* [[Fieldtype/SKS ATC|SKS ATC]]
* [[Fieldtype/SKS Behandling|SKS Behandling]]
* [[Fieldtype/SKS Diagnose|SKS Diagnose]]
* [[Fieldtype/SKS Operation|SKS Operation]]
* [[Fieldtype/SKS Ulykke|SKS Ulykke]]
* [[Fieldtype/SKS Undersøgelse|SKS Undersøgelse]]
== Files == * [[Fieldtype/Document builder|Document builder]]
* [[Fieldtype/Documents|Documents]]
* [[Fieldtype/Filesystem files|Filesystem files]]
* [[Fieldtype/Pictures|Pictures]]
== Tabular data == * [[Fieldtype/Contact list|Contact list]]
* [[Fieldtype/Mailbox|Mailbox]]
* [[Fieldtype/Table|Table]]
* [[Fieldtype/Tasklist|Tasklist]]
== Parent/child == * [[Fieldtype/Calc children: Count|Calc children: Count]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc children: Maximum|Calc children: Maximum]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc children: Minimum|Calc children: Minimum]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc children: Sum|Calc children: Sum]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc children: Unique|Calc children: Unique]]
* [[Fieldtype/Children type selector (type filer)|Children type selector (type filer)]]
* [[Fieldtype/List of children|List of children]]
* [[Fieldtype/List of children (select fields)|List of children (select fields)]]
* [[Fieldtype/List of children (status filter)|List of children (status filter)]]
* [[Fieldtype/List of children (type filter)|List of children (type filter)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Parent reference|Parent reference]]
== Complex == * [[Fieldtype/Barcode (status change)|Barcode (status change)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc: Check fields|Calc: Check fields]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc: Concatenate|Calc: Concatenate]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc: Formula|Calc: Formula]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc: Score interval|Calc: Score interval]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc: Test value|Calc: Test value]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc: Time lifecycle|Calc: Time lifecycle]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc: Time measured|Calc: Time measured]]
* [[Fieldtype/Checklist lookup|Checklist lookup]]
* [[Fieldtype/Comments|Comments]]
* [[Fieldtype/Related form multiselect|Related form multiselect]]
* [[Fieldtype/Related form multiselect SQL|Related form multiselect SQL]]
* [[Fieldtype/Signature|Signature]]
* [[Fieldtype/XML data|XML data]]
== System == * [[Fieldtype/Completed|Completed]]
* [[Fieldtype/Completed by|Completed by]]
* [[Fieldtype/Created|Created]]
* [[Fieldtype/Created by|Created by]]
* [[Fieldtype/Exclusive group|Exclusive group]]
* [[Fieldtype/Master status|Master status]]
* [[Fieldtype/Member list|Member list]]
* [[Fieldtype/Modified|Modified]]
* [[Fieldtype/Modified by|Modified by]]
* [[Fieldtype/Solution type|Solution type]]
* [[Fieldtype/Status|Status]]
* [[Fieldtype/Status set|Status set]]
* [[Fieldtype/Status set by|Status set by]]
== Medico == * [[Fieldtype/Activity measure|Activity measure]]
* [[Fieldtype/Age calc (date/CPR)|Age calc (date/CPR)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Body Mass Index|Body Mass Index]]
* [[Fieldtype/Checkbox counter|Checkbox counter]]
* [[Fieldtype/Gender (CPR)|Gender (CPR)]]
* [[Fieldtype/MET scoreboard|MET scoreboard]]
== Action button == * [[Fieldtype/Button: Codeunit execution|Button: Codeunit execution]]
* [[Fieldtype/Button: Export template|Button: Export template]]
* [[Fieldtype/Button: Grand child search|Button: Grand child search]]
* [[Fieldtype/Button: Parameterized URL|Button: Parameterized URL]]
* [[Fieldtype/Button: Related list search|Button: Related list search]]
* [[Fieldtype/Button: Script execution|Button: Script execution]]
* [[Fieldtype/Button: Token URL builder|Button: Token URL builder]]
* [[Fieldtype/Filter selector static|Filter selector static]]
== Visual extra == * [[Fieldtype/Visual: Target gauge Step|Visual: Target gauge Step]]
* [[Fieldtype/Visual: Target gauge Total|Visual: Target gauge Total]]
== Extension == * [[Fieldtype/Calc: Complex question (sum)|Calc: Complex question (sum)]]
* [[Fieldtype/Calc: Count missing fields|Calc: Count missing fields]]
* [[Fieldtype/Complex question|Complex question]]
* [[Fieldtype/Multiline: Complex question|Multiline: Complex question]]
* [[Fieldtype/Multiline: Location editor|Multiline: Location editor]]
* [[Fieldtype/Question and answer|Question and answer]]
* [[Fieldtype/Word heatmap index|Word heatmap index]]
* [[Fieldtype/Year comparator|Year comparator]]

Revision as of 21:14, 18 September 2012

TS has more than a 150 different content types. Some are based on primitive types (eg. integers) while others deliver complex functionality (eg. document librarys).

== Basic == * CPR nummer * CVR nummer * Date * Datetime * Decimal * Email * Enumeration * Hierachy/tree * Integer * Month * Notepad * Percentage * Phone * Response * Script function * Serial * Static button * Static content * Static message * Static script * Symbol * Text * Text mulitline * Text with lookup * Time * Unique key (GUID) * Website (URL) * Year * Yes/No == Lookup == * Database: Opslag indtastning * Database: Opslag liste valg * Dependent category * Dependent list (lokal) * Group * List replica * Lookup * Lookup (shared) * Lookup: Currency code * Lookup: Data item * Lookup: Data item nested * SQL: Subselect * User * User Exclusive * Value copy * Value copy (cpr) * Value copy (date) * Value copy (decimal) * Value copy (heltal) * Value copy (text) * Value copy (yes/no) * Variant selector == Lookup AJAX == * Lookup: Country * Lookup: ICD diagnose * Lookup: NACE code * Lookup: Postnr / by * Lookup: UNSPSC * SKS Afdeling * SKS ATC * SKS Behandling * SKS Diagnose * SKS Operation * SKS Ulykke * SKS Undersøgelse == Files == * Document builder * Documents * Filesystem files * Pictures == Tabular data == * Contact list * Mailbox * Table * Tasklist == Parent/child == * Calc children: Count * Calc children: Maximum * Calc children: Minimum * Calc children: Sum * Calc children: Unique * Children type selector (type filer) * List of children * List of children (select fields) * List of children (status filter) * List of children (type filter) * Parent reference == Complex == * Barcode (status change) * Calc: Check fields * Calc: Concatenate * Calc: Formula * Calc: Score interval * Calc: Test value * Calc: Time lifecycle * Calc: Time measured * Checklist lookup * Comments * Related form multiselect * Related form multiselect SQL * Signature * XML data == System == * Completed * Completed by * Created * Created by * Exclusive group * Master status * Member list * Modified * Modified by * Solution type * Status * Status set * Status set by == Medico == * Activity measure * Age calc (date/CPR) * Body Mass Index * Checkbox counter * Gender (CPR) * MET scoreboard == Action button == * Button: Codeunit execution * Button: Export template * Button: Grand child search * Button: Parameterized URL * Button: Related list search * Button: Script execution * Button: Token URL builder * Filter selector static == Visual extra == * Visual: Target gauge Step * Visual: Target gauge Total == Extension == * Calc: Complex question (sum) * Calc: Count missing fields * Complex question * Multiline: Complex question * Multiline: Location editor * Question and answer * Word heatmap index * Year comparator