Installation Windows

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Install software stack

Java 8

Tomcat application server


  • Do NOT use default manager password
  • Change default http port from 8080 to 80
  • Change default https port from 8443 to 443

Option: Extra header security

For Tomcat 7 and higher you can add the security filter to <tomcat>/conf/web.xml inside the web-app tag


After writing the file reboot Tomcat for changes to take effect.

MySQL database


  • Pick version 5.4 or higher
  • Do NOT use default administraion password
  • Consider moving data folder relevant location

Create automation accounts

For automated database creation in Tempus Serva (later) create the following user credentials

  • username: tsinstall
  • password: TempusServa
  • host: localhost
  • role: Administrator

Missingen dependencies ?

Depending on your Windows installation you might need Visual C++ redistributable

For version 5.7 the following are needed

Important change for MySQL 5.7+ on windows

Before importing please add the following to the my.ini fil


Install Tempus Serva

Complete the following steps

  1. Copy TempusServa.war to Tomcat webapps
  2. A new folder should be created: If not start Tomcat and wait 30 seconds
  3. Copy database drivers to application server
    • source: <tomcat>/webapps/TempusServa/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java-X.X.X-bin.jar
    • target: <tomcat>/lib/
  4. Restart Tomcat service
  5. Check that databases are created (tsbase,tslive,tstest)
    • No databases: Proceed to "NOT USING DEFAULT INSTALLER ACCOUNT" below
  6. Restart Tomcat service

Not using default installer account

Grant acces to MySQL installer account ad create databases

  1. Stop Tomcat service
  2. Change credetials
    • edit <tomcat>/webapps/TempusServa/META-INF/context.xml
    • set Install.DatabaseUsername
    • set Install.DatabasePassword
  3. Start Tomcat service
  4. Check that databases are created (tsbase,tslive,tstest)
  5. Restart Tomcat service


  • Change root site page to redirect to login page
    1. edit <tomcat>/webapps/ROOT/index.jsp
    2. replace file content with
 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL='/TempusServa/login'" />

Optionally you may need to create the folder and edit the file

 sudo mkdir /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/
 sudo nano /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/index.jsp

Service functions


All data is stored in the MySQL database, so just follow the recommended standard:

Note: Best practice dumping every night using mysqldump tool


The service page will contain the word HEALTHY if everything is ok on the server



Updating the platform is easy because the underlying database is self upgrading

  1. Download new war file
  2. Stop Tomcat server
  3. Replace the war file
  4. Start Tomcat server

Note: After some major changes the service daemon is sometimes disabled