Command line tools

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A new version of the CLI was released on 21. december 2023.

If you are looking for the old CLI you can find the documentation here.


The tools are compatible with the following distributions.

  • Amazon Linux, version 1, 2 and 2023
  • Debian, version 10, 11 and 12
  • Ubuntu, version 20.04, 22.04 and 24.04
  • CentOS, version 8 and 9

The script will check to see if it is running on one of these OSes and stop executing if not.

Usage information

The Tempus Serva Linux script tools are open source (LGPL), and you are free to use and modify them however you see fit. The tools are defined by one python3 script and a single json file that stores the config.

As the tools themselves are subject to semiautomatic upgrades, we strongly recommend that you keep backups of files you have modified. Future versions of the scripts are not guaranteed to be compatible, with earlier versions or your own modifications.

Installing the tool

To install the tools, run:

wget -qO - | bash

This will check compatibility and install the required plugins.

To use the tool, execute ts.

On first execution the tool will ask a couple of questions.

If you choose to run java 8, alpha and beta is the same release, previously known as nightly.

Tool reference

To get the full list of commands, and a description, run ts --help.


Installs all the required software to run TS NoCode Platform, a default webapp named 'app' and a redirect from root to 'app'.

It will not ask for anything, but uses default values.


Installs all the required software to run TS NoCode Platform.

It will ask questions about optional stuff.


Will install a new TS NoCode Platform webapp. It ask what release to install from and what name the webapp should be deployed under, if that webapp exists it will ask if you would like to upgrade that installation instead.


Will upgrade an existing TS NoCode Platform webapp. It will ask what release to upgrade from and what name the webapp should be deployed under, if that webapp doesn't exist it will do nothing.


Will set the admin password for an existing TS NoCode Platform webapp. Will ask what webapp to modify and what the password should be set to.


Will install all dependencies that are needed to setup a LetsEncrypt SSL certificate. Will ask if SSL should be setup once the install completes.


Will ask about domain(s) and contact-email, request and install an SSL certificate and setup auto-renewal.

Quick install

To quick-install the tool and a webapp run this

wget -qO - | bash && ts quick-install

If you also want to setup SSL, run this

wget -qO - | bash && ts quick-install && ts install-ssl

Removing the tools

Remove the two files, eg by running:

sudo rm /usr/bin/{ts,tsconfig.json}