Field type reference
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TS has more than a 150 different content types. Some are based on primitive types (eg. integers) while others deliver complex functionality (eg. document librarys).
Integer | Integer value |
Decimal | Numbers with decimal comma |
Percentage | Percentage value (decimal) |
Yes/No | Check box. Yes/No. The values can be shown with other words or icons |
Serial | Unique serial number |
Response | Interval in questionnaire |
Enumeration | Named numbers ex. Grades |
Symbol | Use icons as status flow and categories |
Date | Date with calendar look-up |
Time | Selector for point in time |
Datetime | Date with calendar/time look-up |
Month | Choice of month, including translation |
Year | Choice of year |
Text | A single line of a text (ex. Name) |
Text mulitline | Mulible line of text (ex. Adresses) |
Notepad | Editor shown in the interface |
Hierachy/tree | Hierarchy of values |
User email-adress | |
Website (URL) | Internet adress |
Unique key (GUID) | Global Unique ID (GUID) for records, inserted automatically on record creation. |
Text with lookup | A single line text with look-up in exciting values |
Phone | phone number with the possibility for look-up |
CPR nummer | validation of control digits with the personal identification number |
CVR nummer | CVR number with look-up in the CVR register |
Static content | Read-out of various content |
Static button | Buttom with functionality |
Static message | Notification on top of the page |
Static script | Execution of the code when changing other boxes |
Script function | Execution of the code with value insertion into other fields |
A line of text with lookup on existing values | A line of text with lookup on existing values |
Prioritize cases among themselves directly from lists | Prioritize cases among themselves directly from lists |
Lookup (shared) | Look-up in common list of values |
Lookup | Look-up in local list of values |
User | Users of the system. Those who are being added, can as an option be notified |
Group | Groups in the system. Those who are being added, can as an option be notified |
Dependent list (lokal) | Choise based on another local list |
Dependent category | Categories based on value |
List replica | Copy of another list (same option) |
Lookup: Currency code | List of currency code |
User Exclusive | User from af certain Exclusive group |
Variant selector | List of types, which are controlling which other boxes are being showed |
Database: Opslag indtastning | Look-up of values in foreign database |
Database: Opslag liste valg | Table of values from foreign |
SQL: Subselect | Enquiry in own or foreign database |
Lookup: Data item | Create reference to item in another solution |
Lookup: Data item nested | For use with Lookup: Data item |
Value copy | Showing other values based on a key |
Value copy (text) | Coping TEXT value based on key (searchable) |
Value copy (heltal) | Coping INTEGER value based on key (searchable) |
Value copy (decimal) | Coping DECIMAL value based on key (searchable) |
Value copy (yes/no) | Coping Yes/No values based on key (searchable) |
Value copy (date) | Coping DATE values based on key (searchable) |
Value copy (cpr) | Coping CPR number based on key (searchable) |
Copy field lookup options for another field in this solution | Copy field lookup options for another field in this solution |
User from the case owner group or related to active user | User from the case owner group or related to active user |
Lookup AJAX
Lookup: Postnr / by | Autofilling of postal number and city |
Lookup: UNSPSC | Autofilling of the product category system of UN |
Lookup: NACE code | Autofilling of NACE business codes |
Lookup: Country | Autofilling of land |
Lookup: ICD diagnose | Autofilling of ICD diagnosis code |
SKS Undersøgelse | Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Undersøgelse |
SKS Diagnose | Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Diagnose |
SKS Operation | Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Operation |
SKS Behandling | Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Behandling |
SKS ATC | Dynamic lookup of values from SKS ATC |
SKS Ulykke | Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Ulykke |
SKS Afdeling | Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Afdeling |
Documents | Upload / download of files including versioning |
Pictures | Photo gallery with thumbnail index |
Document builder | Build document base on solution file template |
Filesystem files | Download of local files on the intranet |
Documents with signing | Documents with integration to DocuSign |
Videos | Video gallery with thumbnails and player |
Copy list of files based on key | Copy list of files based on key |
FTP / download helper for structures and large files | FTP / download helper for structures and large files |
Tabular data
Table | Table with a range of subfield |
Tasklist | Tasklist with export to vTodo |
Contact list | Contact list with export to vCard |
Mailbox | Inbox for each data item with many security options. Please refer to advanced configuration. |
Parent reference | Link/resume to above placed data |
List of children | List of all underplaced data |
List of children (status filter) | Filtered selection of subitems |
List of children (select fields) | Filtered selection of fields including sortorder |
List of children (type filter) | For use with 'Children type selector' |
Children type selector (type filer) | For use with 'List of children (type)' |
Calc children: Sum | Sum of values in underplaced data |
Calc children: Count | Sum of elements in underplaced data |
Calc children: Unique | Sum of unique values in underplaced data |
Calc children: Minimum | Minimum value in underplaced data |
Calc children: Maximum | Maximum value in underplaced data |
Many records pointing to many other records | Many records pointing to many other records |
Not written | Parent reference(shared) |
Checklist lookup | Number of categories |
Signature | Digital signature or approval |
Calc: Formula | Formula based on other fields |
Calc: Test value | Test of the value of another field |
Calc: Concatenate | Making a test based on values from other fields |
Calc: JavaScript | Executing Javascripts client AND serverside |
Calc: Time lifecycle | Time spent since the beginning of the case or since last correction |
Calc: Time measured | Total waiting time |
Calc: Score interval | Translation of values in intervals |
Calc: Check fields | Check if a list of fields has been filled out |
Comments | Entry of a list of comments from the users of the case |
Related form multiselect | Filter with single parameters including standard security. |
Related form multiselect SQL | Freeform definition with multiple parameters with optional security. |
XML data | XML data in lists, table or own output format |
Barcode (status change) | Barcode to change status automatically |
Display grid of values from local database table | Display grid of values from local database table |
Not written | Calc: Flag |
Output in subforms from other searches and statistics | Output in subforms from other searches and statistics |
Selective text composition (EXPERIMENTAL) | Selective text composition (EXPERIMENTAL) |
Fill multiple lines with numbers (decimals) | Fill multiple lines with numbers (decimals) |
Show token to a specific interface | Show token to a specific interface |
Run script | Run script |
Status | The present status of the case |
Created | The creation date of the case |
Modified | The change date of the case |
Completed | The termination date of the case |
Status set | The last status update of the case |
Created by | User who created the case |
Modified by | User who modified the case |
Completed by | User who completed the case |
Status set by | User who updated the case |
Master status | Masterstatus based on the status of the case |
Solution type | Selection of a solution type |
Exclusive group | Selection of an Exclusive group |
Member list | Users with access to the element |
Not written | FieldSystemRevision |
Not written | FieldUserPermission |
Groups with access to element | Groups with access to element |
Age calc (date/CPR) | Estimating the age of the user based on date and CPR number |
Body Mass Index | Estimating BMI based on height and weight |
Activity measure | Measurement of weekly activity |
Gender (CPR) | Deduction of gender based on CPR number |
Checkbox counter | Check mark of month, days or other |
MET scoreboard | Measurement of month, amount and size |
Action button
Button: Token URL builder | Building link to external users |
Button: Export template | Export of data to a certain template |
Button: Script execution | Execute script on page and/or saving data |
Button: Parameterized URL | Look-up in foreign webbased system |
Button: Related list search | Look-up in related list with parameter |
Button: Grand child search | Look-up in related data (Grand children) |
Button: Codeunit execution | Execute proprietary code |
Button: Status changer | Change state via button-click |
Filter selector static | Set value in user session. For example for data filters. |
Visual extra
Visual: Target gauge Total | Show lifetime performance speedometer |
Visual: Target gauge Step | Show performance speedometer for this step |
Canvas: Freehand | Draw anything in a box |
Canvas: Marking | Mark a spot on an image |
Visual: Sliderbar | Sliderbar for integer or decimal input |
SQL: Diagram query | Show the result of an SQL-query as a graph |
Word heatmap index | Specialised index field only showned in reports |
Question and answer | Complex question with recommendation, numerical score and coloring |
Complex question | Complex question with recommendation, numerical score and coloring |
Multiline: Complex question | MULTIPLE LOCATION: Complex question |
Multiline: Location editor | MULTIPLE LOCATION: Name of location |
Year comparator | Comparing fields from previous years |
Calc: Complex question (sum) | Formula based on other fields |
Calc: Count missing fields | Number of missing fields in a form or questionaire |
Testing: Age record | Change the age of a record for testing puposes |
Required for jobnet integration | Required for jobnet integration |
Export document content based on selected value | Export document content based on selected value |
Word rapport index for multilocations | Word rapport index for multilocations |
Comparison of fields from previous years | Comparison of fields from previous years |